
An audio-visual installation using 2 channel moving images / 4 channel audio.

Moving from the surface, layer by layer, to the depth of the inherent world. Encounter. Every encounter implies a process of becoming and each becoming can not come about without meeting. On two opposite positioned translucent surfaces on each circular, constantly changing structures are projected. The images are based on physical simulation of tearing surfaces. If the tension gets too high, the surface is torn. The light of the projection travels thru the translucent screens to merge on the ground.

The 4 channel sound installation literally gives each screen its own voice. The sound is based on the common lullaby „Hush, Little Baby“ sung by Petra Richter and recordings from a children music box playing the song accompanied by sound elements composed by Helga Pogatschar.

Becoming is not an imitation

„Das bedeutet, dass die Außenwelt für Deleuze eben nicht etwas ist, was sich außen, jenseits meiner Grenzen befindet, sondern im besten Fall eingefaltet in uns existiert. Das heißt, ich setze mich nicht in eine Beziehung zu all den Elementen, zu den Entitäten und Wesen, die rings um mich herum existieren, sondern was mit dem Werden gemeint ist, ist eine Pluralisierung der Innenwelt selbst. Ein Werden heißt Weltgewinn, ein Werden heißt immer die Vervielfältigung von Bezügen.“

„This means that the outside world (for Deleuze) is not something outside, beyond my borders, but in the best case enfolded in us, which means that I am not in a relationship to all the elements, to the entities and beings that exist around me, but what is meant with the process of becoming is a pluralization of the inner world itself. A becoming means world gain, a becoming is always the multiplication of references. “
Joseph Vogl, Literaturwissenschaftler

June 9-25, 2017
currents new media 2017
El Museo Cultural de Santa Fe
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA


PASATIEMPO Jun 9, 2017 by Paul Weideman
Disorganized labor: Joerg Staeger

Joerg Staeger’s piece at Currents New Media is a psychedelic montage of images based on a vision of stretching and tearing fabric, with accompanying sounds and music that include a lovely rendition of “Hush, Little Baby.” The new media installation titled oK.v005_becoming is the most recent in the German artist’s series with the “oK” prefix. They refer to the German term meaning “body without organs,” Organloser Körper, from the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. (read more)