Participation at

CURRENTS New Media Festival 2014

June 13 – 29  2014 – Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

MILIEU – All I have is my Distance – Video Space and Sound Installation

Concept, Moving Images and Space by Jörg Staeger – Music by Markus Muench 


„My favorite was Joerg Staeger’s “Milieu,” consisting of five screens which you could traverse and stand in between. It was co-titled “All I have is my Distance,” a phrase from Gilles Deleuze. Chunking, polishing, tapping sounds ran coevally with images that patterned static or other electronic forms in ways that put me back to very early encounters with Steina Wasulka´s sea waves and air brakes. I could see my husband’s silhouette through one of the screens but, his figure over laced with the imagery and the sound, seemed so remote as to make him seem possibly unhuman. I thought this work was tremendous.“

ADOBE AIRSTREAM June 2014 by Ellen Berkovitch_Reflections on the Public Space of CURRENTS New Media Festival

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